I am sending email by automating outlook from excel and have managed to bypass the pesky warning message about viruses using sendkeys (with inspector activate just prior to call to sendkeys).
Now I sometimes get a message about allowing access to contacts. I have the email addresses for the recipients and don't need to access the contacts, but outlook autoresolve kicks in and then a pop up about allowing access to the contacts appears. This doesn't have the 5 second delay, but it still prevents the system being fully automated. I'm trying to avoid using 3rd party tools like redemption and I was wondering if anyone has found a way to turn autoresolve off.
I've read posts on other sites suggesting turning off autocomplete and automatic name checking, but outlook still attempts to resolve the address when the mail is sent.
Any pointers would be gladly received.
Edit 24/08/13
I have heard that if you outlook 2007 and above and a correctly installed system with a Microsoft approved virus scanner you will not see the message, but I don't have control over the installation of programs on the users machines.
The code that I have tried includes
Function Mailit(byval sMessageTo as String, byval sSamplerCenter as String, byval sFileSpec as String)
Dim olApp As outlook.Application
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim blnOLOpen As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
blnOLOpen = True
On Error Goto 0
If olApp Is Nothing Then
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
blnOLOpen = False
End If
Set objMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objMail
.To = sMessageTo
.Subject = sSampleCenter
.Attachments.Add sFileSpec
End With
This causes the warning message about viruses and causes a 5 second wait before a user can choose to send the mail. The sendkeys method I use is the same up to the With objMail
but then does the following:
Dim myInspector As Outlook.Inspector
With objMail
.To = MessageTo
.Subject = SampleCenter
.Attachments.Add FileSpec
End With
Set myInspector = objMail.GetInspector
SendKeys "%s", True
I also have some code for checking that the number of items in the sent folder has increased and waiting/calling the inspector and sendkeys function if it hasn't. This method doesn't lead to the warning, but often results in a dialog box asking if the user wishes to allow access to their contacts.
the emails and send them later? Does usingResolveAll
help? Also, as a side note, I don't think you need to test withGetObjecet
as only one Outlook instance is allowed, soCreateObject
gets the existing instance if there is one. – Doug Glancy