
Hi have are very complex design of entities aggregation in project. I'm using domain driven development. To map entites i'm using FluentNHibernate

Here is my design of domain

    public abstract class Domain
    public virtual long Id{get;set;}

    public ClassA:Domain

        public virtual DateTtime Time{get;set;}
        public virtual ClassC C1 {get;set;}
        public virtual IList List{get;set;}


    public ClassC:Domain
    public virtual string Schedule{get;set;}

    public ClassD:Domain
       public virtual string PropClassD{get;set;}

    public ClassE:ClassD
    public virtual string PropClassE{get;set;}

    public ClassF:ClassD
    public virtual string PropClassF{get;set;}

    public ClassG:Domain
    //Composite key ClassA+ClassD
        public virtual ClassA C1 {get;set;}
        public virtual ClassD C2 {get;set;}

I tried different settings with mapping, but nothing is working. My aggregate root is ClassA.

Following Single class inhertance for ClassE and ClassF table.

Please help to make it work.


1 Answers


When I don't know how to map the objects I use Entity Developer http://www.devart.com/entitydeveloper/ They have a free version that supports up to eight entities. At least can give you some hints in a concrete case. Given the relative lack of Fluent NHibernate documentation, this tool is also educational. You can see an example of the mappings produced by this tool here http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/232034/Inheritance-mapping-strategies-in-Fluent-Nhibernat