I try to use Chutzpah + jasmine to test my AngularJS code.
Here are the files I reference
jasmine.js ver:1.3.1
angular.min.js ver:1.2.0RC1
It actually works if I don't test anything with template.
I figured there must something wrong when I load template.
Here is how I did it when I try to run alert directive from AngularJS UI Bootstrap.
I don't use the way in the test like below, since it is for Karma runner.
I use a different approach from this post
beforeEach(inject(function ($templateCache) {
var directiveTemplate = null;
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = function () {
directiveTemplate = this.responseText;
req.open("get", "../../../template/alert/alert.html", false);
$templateCache.put("template/alert/alert.html", directiveTemplate);
It is still having a lot of problem, but I think the template is loaded.
Only "should not show close buttons if no close callback specified" passed
most of errors are like
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'expect(alerts.eq(0)).toHaveClass('alert-success')') in ....
It seems like the alerts are not created.
Since the first error is
Test 'alert:should generate alerts using ng-repeat' failed Expected 0 to equal 3.
Any idea ?