Twilio limits long code SMS to 1/sec. To improve my throughput, I split my batch into 5 phone numbers. I've found each HTTP POST to the Twilio API takes about 0.5 seconds.
One would think using 5 twilio phone numbers to send a message to 1000 cell phones would take 200 seconds, but it will take 500 seconds just to POST the requests. So two phone numbers will double my throughput, but more would not make a difference.
Am I missing something? I was thinking it would be nice if the API would take a list of phone numbers for the "To" parameter. I don't want to pay for a short code, but even if I do it seems the maximum throughput is 2/sec unless you resort to the complexity of having multiple threads feeding Twilio.
I've noticed TwiML during a call let's you include multiple sms nodes when constructing a response so it seems like there should be a way to do the same for outbound SMS.