
I am writing a qml application that should support RTL and LTR languages and the interface needs to be some how flexible, and anchors may not produce good UI

So I planned to use qml Grid, Column, and RowLayout, they work good but does not get mirrored when I use

LayoutMirroring.enabled: true
LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true

is there any way to use these layout components with LayoutMirroring.enabled: true and if not how to set width and height for qml positioners (Row,Column,and Grid) to fill thier bounding item width and height


2 Answers


LayoutMirroring is not available for RowLayout, ColumnLayout or GridLayout. You can use Row[View], Column[View] or Grid[View] instead. See http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-layoutmirroring.html for more information.

Here is a quick example for qml positioners:

Rectangle {
    width: 640
    height: 480
    color: "#303030"

    Rectangle {
        width: parent.width / 1.1
        height: parent.height / 1.1
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        color: "white"

        Grid {
            id: grid
            anchors.fill: parent

            columns: 2

            spacing: 6
            columnSpacing: spacing
            rowSpacing: spacing

            property int rowCount: Math.ceil(visibleChildren.length / columns)
            property real cellWidth: (width - (columns - 1) * columnSpacing) / columns
            property real cellHeight: (height - (rowCount - 1) * rowSpacing) / rowCount

            Rectangle {
                color: "#aa6666"
                width: grid.cellWidth
                height: grid.cellHeight
            Rectangle {
                color: "#aaaa66"
                width: grid.cellWidth
                height: grid.cellHeight
            Rectangle {
                color: "#9999aa"
                width: grid.cellWidth
                height: grid.cellHeight
            Rectangle {
                color: "#6666aa"
                width: grid.cellWidth
                height: grid.cellHeight

Change the number of columns and add or remove some rectangles, to see that it works.


in Qt 5.2 RowLayout, ColumnLayout and GridLayout have layoutDirection property to support RTL layout