After following the basic idea of this answer on SO Angular.js ng-repeat: opening/closing elements after x iterations
I'm grouping items and wrapping them in a div, and getting the following error Error: 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations:
This leads me to believe that Angular is expecting 10 repeats and is only registering 5. However, the output looks correct, all 10 items are shown.
I'm building a windows start screen type layout, where some of the tiles will be single, others double width. I'm doing some calculations to wrap the tiles in a div.
The filter I've built is
app.filter('partition', function() { var part = function(arr, size) { if ( 0 === arr.length ) return []; var applist=[]; var partlist=[]; var blocksize=0; console.log(arr); for(var a in arr){ var app = arr[a]; if(app.width=='single'){ console.log(; partlist.push(app); blocksize++; } if(app.width=='double' && blocksize=4){ applist.push(partlist); partlist=[app]; blocksize=2; } if(blocksize==size || a==arr.length-1){ applist.push(partlist); partlist=[]; blocksize=0; } } console.log(applist) return applist; }; return part; });
and the html with the ng-repeats are
<div ng-repeat="block in apps | filter:search | partition:6" class="app-block" > <li ng-repeat="app in block" class="app-tile" ng-class="{double:app.width=='double'}"> <div class="name">{{}}</div> </li> </div>
Am I using the nested repeats wrong? As I said, the number of tiles being displayed is correct, but the error is what is concerning me (it's big, ugly and red).