Let's use a more complicated subset of data:
task: {
code: "Some Task",
enabled: '1',
subtask_attributes: {
'1' => { field: 'something', rules: {length_10: true, phone: false, presence: false }} ,
'2' => { field: 'another', rules: {length_10: true, phone: false, presence: false }}
So we send it to Strong Parameters for processing:
params = ActionController::Parameters.new({
task: {
code: "Some Task",
enabled: '1',
subtask_attributes: {
'1' => { field: 'something', rules: {length_10: true, phone: false, presence: false }} ,
'2' => { field: 'another', rules: {length_10: true, phone: false, presence: false }}
We will not be able to specify :rules in Strong Params in Rails 4 because it is a hash of data:
permitted = params.require(:task).permit(:code, :enabled, subtask_attributes: [:field, :rules])
Unpermitted parameter: rules
Unpermitted parameter: rules
So what if you want to whitelist specific attributes AND a COLLECTION of hashes of data. The accepted answer does not whitelist specified attributes. You have to do this:
:code, :enabled,
subtask_attributes: [:field, :rules],
# whitelist the validation rules hash
params.require(:task).tap do |whitelisted|
params[:task][:subtask_attributes].each do |k,v|
whitelisted[:subtask_attributes][k] = params[:task][:subtask_attributes][k]
After trying several of the solutions here, none worked. Only aboved worked for nested attributes in a has_many association which contains arbitrary hash data.