
i'm writnig a very small forum for my website .. i really didn't want to use vb and other forum systems .


topics ( title , id )
posts  ( text , id , topic_id )

there is a page that shows all the entry(posts) of given user

in this page for each user post , i show name of the topic and a short summary of that post

here is the problem

when i click on the topic name .. i don't want to go to the first page of topic . i want the exact page that contains that specific post .

so i gont the post id (lets say 666 ) i can get the topic information using that (lets say title : topic A )

so i can get total count of the posts in topic A

lets say

$total_posts_intopic = 250 ;
$per_page            = 15 ;

all i need now is the offset of post #666 to figure out the page number

so how can i get the offset of post #666 between topic A posts ?

or is there any easier way to do this ?

note : post no 666 means it's 666 post overall in all of the topics not in topic A


1 Answers


See this SQL Fiddle for a full demonstration.

The query I used (adapted to your example) is below. The idea is that you fill in the topic_id (where I currently have topic_id = 1) and the post's id (where I currently have id = 666). The result will be a number indicating the position of the given post in the given topic.

To determine the page number, you could use:

$pageNumber = floor(($queryResult - 1) / $postsPerPage);

The query:

      @counter := @counter + 1 AS currentCount
      (SELECT @counter := 0) AS countTable
       topic_id = 1
  ) AS associatedCountTable
  id = 666;

The query works as follows:

  • The posts table is cross joined with a counter variable. This works because the variable is set to 0 when MySQL 'creates' countTable (when it looks at the FROM clause) and that variable is incremented by 1 each time a row is selected (because the SELECT clause is 'executed' for each result row).
  • Because the WHERE clause (selecting the correct topic) is 'executed' before the SELECT clause, only the rows in the topic you're interested in get a counter increase.
  • The result of the previous steps is a new table associatedCountTable with a row for each post in the selected topic. Each row has the post's id in the first column and a simply incrementing counter in the second column named currentCount.
  • The final WHERE clause takes the above table and selects the counter column for the row with the id of the post you're interested in (666 in your example).