I'm trying to implement a function to listen to door 1900 and catch alive message and device ip, I tried to use some libs I found but my applications crashes all the time just trying to initiate the app.
this is my main function
public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
//----------SSDP para identificação da STB--------------------------------
SSDPSocket sock;
try {
sock = new SSDPSocket();
while (true) {
DatagramPacket dp = sock.receive(); **//crashes here**
String c = new String(dp.getData());
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
rest of the lib code
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.DatagramPacket;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.MulticastSocket;
import java.net.NetworkInterface;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
public class SSDPSocket {
SocketAddress mSSDPMulticastGroup;
MulticastSocket mSSDPSocket;
public SSDPSocket() throws IOException {
InetAddress localInAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); **//crashes here first**
System.out.println("Local address: " + localInAddress.getHostAddress());
mSSDPMulticastGroup = new InetSocketAddress(SSDP.ADDRESS, SSDP.PORT);
mSSDPSocket = new MulticastSocket(new InetSocketAddress(localInAddress,
NetworkInterface netIf = NetworkInterface
mSSDPSocket.joinGroup(mSSDPMulticastGroup, netIf);
/* Used to receive SSDP packet */
public DatagramPacket receive() throws IOException {
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);
return dp;
public void close() {
if (mSSDPSocket != null) {
public class SSDP {
/* New line definition */
public static final String NEWLINE = "\r\n";
public static final String ADDRESS = "";
public static final int PORT = 1900;
/* Definitions of start line */
public static final String SL_NOTIFY = "NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1";
public static final String SL_MSEARCH = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1";
public static final String SL_OK = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK";
/* Definitions of search targets */
public static final String ST_RootDevice = "ST:rootdevice";
public static final String ST_ContentDirectory = "ST:urn:schemas-upnp- org:service:ContentDirectory:1";
/* Definitions of notification sub type */
public static final String NTS_ALIVE = "NTS:ssdp:alive";
public static final String NTS_BYE = "NTS:ssdp:byebye";
public static final String NTS_UPDATE = "NTS:ssdp:update";
public class SSDPSearchMsg {
static final String HOST = "Host:" + SSDP.ADDRESS + ":" + SSDP.PORT;
static final String MAN = "Man:ssdp:discover";
int mMX = 3; /* seconds to delay response */
String mST; /* Search target */
public SSDPSearchMsg(String ST) {
mST = ST;
public int getmMX() {
return mMX;
public void setmMX(int mMX) {
this.mMX = mMX;
public String getmST() {
return mST;
public void setmST(String mST) {
this.mST = mST;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
content.append("MX:" + mMX).append(NEWLINE);
return content.toString();
DatagramPacket dp = sock.receive()
line (no crash, just nothing happening). Thewhile
loop never comes around for a second turn so it's blocking at that line... not sure what it's expecting at that point. – Yevgeny Simkin