Dear fellow Cocoa programmers,
What I'd like to accomplish:
I have a checkbox, a popUpButton(which is hidden) and a NSView on my canvas. If myCheckbox is checked -> show the popUpButton and draw a line through bezierPath on the NSView. if myCheckbox is UNchecked -> Hide the popUpButton again and "undraw" the path
The code:
- (IBAction)isChecked:(id)sender {
//if myChekcbox is checked, show the pop up button
if ([sender state]==NSOnState) {
[myPopUp setHidden:NO];
//if the checkbox is unchecked, hide the popupbutton
[myPopUp setHidden:YES];
//reload my drawrect method (reload the view)
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
//if the checkedbutton is checked, draw the line
if ([myCheckbox state]==NSOnState)
NSBezierPath *myPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[myPath moveToPoint:NSMakePoint(10, 20)];
[myPath lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(50, 20)];
[myPath setLineWidth:2];
[myPath stroke];
The problem:
if checked state = NSOnState the popUpButton is visible but the line just won't draw and I wonder why... I personally think it's a connection(s) problem.
I uploaded the project file (it's rather small-35kb)
Globally: I've read the NSView documentation and it's saying there is only one way to draw to a view and it's through the drawRect method. Is this actually true? Also is this a descent way to draw to a view? (if function in the view and setNeedsDisplay:YES in the method)
thanks in advance, Ben