
I have a problem similar to Getting data from multiple tables into single row while concatenating some values but i am not able to understand it and i am a newbie is sql queries. I have few tables and i have to join them and get some concatenated data in a row. Description is as followings:

Table 1 - tasks(id,title,user_id)
id     title          user_id     tree_id
--     -----          -------     -------
1      test task         1          20

Table 2 - task_follower(id,user_id,task_id)
id     user_id   task_id
--     -------   -------
1        1          1

Table 3 - account_user(id,name,email)
id      name    email
--      ----    -----
1       rakesh  [email protected]

Table 2 - category(id,category)
id     category
--     ------- 
1        Project1

Table 2 - task_category(id,user_id,task_id)
id     task_id   category_id
--     -------   -------
1        1          1

And the query i run is:

    SELECT a.*, GROUP_CONCAT(b.name SEPARATOR ',') AS member_names, GROUP_CONCAT(b.email SEPARATOR ',') AS member_emails, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT d.category) SEPARATOR ',') AS categories FROM tasks AS a INNER JOIN task_followers AS c ON a.id = c.task_id INNER JOIN account_user AS b ON c.user_id = b.id INNER JOIN task_category AS i ON a.id = i.task_id INNER JOIN category AS d ON i.category_id = d.id WHERE a.id = 1 AND a.user_id = 1 AND GROUP BY a.id

As the result of this query i get:

id    title       user_id   tree_id     member_names    member_emails
---   -----       -------   -------     -------------   -------------
1     test task      1        20        rakesh,rakesh   [email protected],[email protected]

I am not able to understand why name and email is duplicated? Please help me to solve this problem and also if you could explain me where i went wrong conceptually?

I noticed that When the number of category associated with the task is more than one then this problem occurs. Please have a look at http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/b96eb/1 I have created an example there to demonstrate my problem.


1 Answers


you can remove the duplicate using DISTINCT


the reason for having duplicate values is because it happens that one of the records from the one table has multiple matches on the other table. see here.