I have hbase-0.94.10 version .. all my setting works fine
Here is my JPS command output
11804 HRegionServer
10784 TaskTracker
12401 HQuorumPeer
10539 SecondaryNameNode
10201 NameNode
10369 DataNode
12669 JPS
10619 JobTracker
11624 HMaster
But after 30 sec. passed and if i type JPS command again then output was -
11804 HRegionServer
10784 TaskTracker
12401 HQuorumPeer
10539 SecondaryNameNode
10201 NameNode
10369 DataNode
12669 JPS
10619 JobTracker
Looks like HMaster is missing and because of this i am not able to access hbase master-status on web browser
Anyhelp please ..