I am working on PIC16F887, and my task is mainly based on adc readings (8bit). There are 10 different analog inputs, so reading each of them one by one takes pretty long time. The clock is 20Mhz, the only allowed device frequency for adc is Fosc/32 (for 20mhz clock of course), which tesults in TAD=1.6us
The exact adc reading should take 10 TAD (due to 8bit reading), briefly 16us.
Here comes the question; What would happen if I use 10us for example. I want to have even smaller delays. I think ADC module of the PIC uses successive approximation. Does it mean the most significant bits are read first? I think accuracy of first 4 bits are enough for my calculations. But what will be the values of the remaining bits? will they be zero? or unidentified, might be any level?
Thanks in advance