
The Joomla 2.5+ version site was working for over year but suddenly it is showing blank page.

Also I am unable to save anything in admin panel. Recently I have also made its beta website with new installation Joomla with different db in beta folder under root directory. I don't really think it has created the problem for the original website.

In the error log under admin panel I found this:

PHP Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /public_html/plugins/authentication/gmail/gmail.php on line 55

In the error log under home directory I found this:

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 78 bytes) in /public_html/libraries/gantry/core/utilities/gantrylesscompiler.class.php on line 1594

Your host is using either safe_mode or open_basedir. They should both be disabled for the the curl functions to work. An alternative would be to disable the gmail authentication plugin.MasterAM
And as to the memory error, you can change PHP's memory limits, but this error may hide a deeper issue in memory management.MasterAM
Can I reinstall joomla on existing website in order to configure things from zero?user2692156
I would advise against it, as it will remove your generated content. and won't necessarily solve your problem once you restore it. You could try and install a copy it in another location (since this is a test install itself), and gradually enhance it. That said, your error is related to Gantry attempting to compile LESS. You may have changed a LESS file or it is not in Gantry's cache. I suggest that you increase the PHP memory limit (to, say, 128MB) at least for a limited time to allow Gantry to compile and cache the LESS files.MasterAM

1 Answers


This is a very old question but it is still relevant and so I will answer it. Gantry templates typically need a lot of memory (they really are complex), which means that 32 MB of memory allocated to the page is not enough. You will need more. Try creating a php.ini file or a .user.ini file under the root directory of your Joomla website with the following code:

memory_limit = 64M;

The above will double the allocated memory per page to 64M, if it doesn't work for you then change it to 128M. Typically, for a low traffic website, you will be on the safe side for up to 256M (unless your website is hit with DoS attack).