Hello developers around the world :) Today I have a question about the NSOutlineView customisation, the environment is: -OS X 10.7+ - an Outline view with subclassed NSTextFieldCell
the problem: I want customise the colour end the gradient for the cell selection, my first approach was override the method
-(NSColor *)highlightColorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
in the NSTextFieldCell subclass, but the result is this:
The gradient selection still remain blu and the label background become to the returned colour. How to change the entire cell selection colour (with the gradient?)
After subclassing the NSOutlineView and override the method:
- (void)highlightSelectionInClipRect:(NSRect)clipRect
NSRange aVisibleRowIndexes = [self rowsInRect:clipRect];
NSIndexSet * aSelectedRowIndexes = [self selectedRowIndexes];
NSUInteger aRow = aVisibleRowIndexes.location;
NSUInteger anEndRow = aRow + aVisibleRowIndexes.length;
[aColor set];
// draw highlight for the visible, selected rows
for (aRow; aRow < anEndRow; aRow++)
if([aSelectedRowIndexes containsIndex:aRow])
NSRect aRowRect = NSInsetRect([self rectOfRow:aRow], 2, 1);
Now I have the right behaviour, but without gradient, how to add the gradient (or a background image to the cell?)