For Set a file, and receive a server Response, I use that for sending .csv files:
First I initialize a POST Request:
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the POST HTTP request.
/// </summary>
public void SentPostReport()
string url = "";
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
// Create a boundary for HTTP request.
Boundary = "----------------------------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x");
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
request.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + Boundary;
request.Method = "POST";
request.BeginGetRequestStream(new AsyncCallback(GetRequestStreamCallback), est);
After initialized Request, I send the differents parts of my files (headers + content + footer).
/// <summary>
/// Send a File with initialized request.
/// </summary>
private void GetRequestStreamCallback(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult)
string contentType = "binary";
string myFileContent = "one;two;three;four;five;"; // CSV content.
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)asynchronousResult.AsyncState;
Stream memStream = request.EndGetRequestStream(asynchronousResult);
byte[] boundarybytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n--" + Boundary + "\r\n");
memStream.Write(boundarybytes, 0, boundarybytes.Length);
// Send headers.
string headerTemplate = "Content-Disposition: form-data; ";
headerTemplate += "name=\"{0}\"; filename=\"{1}\"\r\nContent-Type: " + contentType + "\r\n\r\n";
string fileName = "MyFileName.csv";
string header = string.Format(headerTemplate, "file", fileName);
byte[] headerbytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(header);
memStream.Write(headerbytes, 0, headerbytes.Length);
byte[] contentbytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(myFileContent);
// send the content of the file.
memStream.Write(contentbytes, 0, contentbytes.Length);
// Send last boudary of the file ( the footer) for specify post request is finish.
byte[] boundarybytesend = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n--" + Boundary + "--\r\n");
memStream.Write(boundarybytesend, 0, boundarybytesend.Length);
// Start the asynchronous operation to get the response
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(GetResponseCallback), request);
And, Finnaly, I get The response server response, indicate the file is transmetted.
/// <summary>
/// Get the Response server.
/// </summary>
private static void GetResponseCallback(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)asynchronousResult.AsyncState;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(asynchronousResult);
Stream streamResponse = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader streamRead = new StreamReader(streamResponse);
string responseString = streamRead.ReadToEnd(); // this is a response server.
// Close the stream object
// Release the HttpWebResponse
catch (Exception ex)
// error.
This sample works on Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8.
This is for send a .csv content. You can adapt this code for send Xml content.
Replace just
string myFileContent = "one;two;three;four;five;"; // CSV content.
string fileName = "MyFileName.csv";
by your XML
string myFileContent = "<xml><xmlnode></xmlnode></xml>"; // XML content.
string fileName = "MyFileName.xml";
and write your xml to that stream. – L.BGetRequestStream()
associated with the objectwebRequest
. – Mayank