I want to change the jquery webcam plugin flash movie size. For this we have to do the following (according to what i have searched from google) :
We have to change the dimensions in action script jscam.as file and in xml jscam.xml file come with plugin. And than we have to recompile the action script (jscam.as) file to generate updated say updated.swf file.
For recompiling the action script file we have to download :
Swfmill : It will create a new swf (updated.swf) file from an xml (jscam.xml) file.
Command i used for generating swf file from xml file:
D:\Flash\swfmill\swfmill-0.2-win32> swfmill simple D:\Test\jQuery-webcam-master\xml\jscam.xml D:\Test\jQuery-webcam-master\swf\updated.swf
Mtasc : It will compile the main action script file (jscam.as) and update the above generated swf file (updated.swf through swfmill).
Command i used for compiling action script file (jscam.as) file:
D:\Softwares\Flash\MTASC compiler\mtasc-1.14> mtasc -v -wimp -swf D:\Test\jQuery- webcam-master\swf\updated.swf -main jscam.as -version 8 -cp D:\Test\jQuery-webcam-master\src
The above process completed successfully (without a single issue) and a new updated.swf file was created. But when i used that file in my project, than instead of showing flash movie, it shows blank white screen and than i open it as a individual file in browser than also the same blank white screen is shown.
I have lost my whole day in this. I never deal with any flash project. Can anyone out there help me to solve this issue and please point me out what i am doing wrong or what i am missing ?