I´m currently testing Java EE 7 with JSF 2.2 ( just for fun ). Especially the new Faces Flow looks really great, but I´ve some troubles getting my PoC working.
Questions: 1. If i call a flow from an other, is it possible to check if the current flow is "invoked" by an other one ?
The only solution i found, is to pass a special parameter to the sub flow
2. If I call a an other flow via flow-call definition inside the -flow.xml ( for instance a flow where i can select a certain user ). How can i pass a return value to the parent flow ( for instance the selected user )
3. Glassfish 4 always complains about, that the flowHandler puts an object into the http sessions, which is not serializable. Is this a bug ? If not does this mean JSF2.2 is not clusterable respectively all open flows will get lost if a cluster node crashes ?