As for the main question in this thread, the other posts made it clear why we can't bind values to column names when preparing statements, so here is one solution:
class myPdo{
private $user = 'dbuser';
private $pass = 'dbpass';
private $host = 'dbhost';
private $db = 'dbname';
private $pdo;
private $dbInfo;
public function __construct($type){
$this->pdo = new PDO('mysql:host='.$this->host.';dbname='.$this->db.';charset=utf8',$this->user,$this->pass);
//when class is called upon, it stores column names and column types from the table of you choice in $this->dbInfo;
$stmt = "select distinct column_name,column_type from information_schema.columns where table_name='sometable';";
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($stmt);//not really necessary since this stmt doesn't contain any dynamic values;
$this->dbInfo = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
public function pdo_param($col){
$param_type = PDO::PARAM_STR;
foreach($this->dbInfo as $k => $arr){
if($arr['column_name'] == $col){
$param_type = PDO::PARAM_INT;
}//for testing purposes i only used INT and VARCHAR column types. Adjust to your needs...
return $param_type;
public function columnIsAllowed($col){
$colisAllowed = false;
foreach($this->dbInfo as $k => $arr){
if($arr['column_name'] === $col){
$colisAllowed = true;
return $colisAllowed;
public function q($data){
//$data is received by post as a JSON object and looks like this
$data = json_decode($data,TRUE);
$continue = true;
foreach($data['data'] as $column_name => $value){
$continue = false;
//means that someone possibly messed with the post and tried to get data from a column that does not exist in the current table, or the column name is a sql injection string and so on...
//since $data['get'] is also a column, check if its allowed as well
if(isset($data['get']) && !$this->columnIsAllowed($data['get'])){
$continue = false;
exit('possible injection attempt');
//continue with the rest of the func, as you normally would
$stmt = "SELECT DISTINCT ".$data['get']." from sometable WHERE ";
foreach($data['data'] as $k => $v){
$stmt .= $k.' LIKE :'.$k.'_val AND ';
$stmt = substr($stmt,0,-5)." order by ".$data['get'];
//$stmt should look like this
//SELECT DISTINCT column_x from sometable WHERE column_a LIKE :column_a_val AND column_b LIKE :column_b_val AND column_c LIKE :column_c_val order by column_x
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($stmt);
//obviously now i have to bindValue()
foreach($data['data'] as $k => $v){
//setting PDO::PARAM... type based on column_type from $this->dbInfo
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);//or whatever
$pdo = new myPdo('anything');//anything so that isset() evaluates to TRUE.
The above is just an example, so needless to say, copy->paste won't work. Adjust for your needs.
Now this may not provide 100% security, but it allows some control over the column names when they "come in" as dynamic strings and may be changed on users end. Furthermore, there is no need to build some array with your table column names and types since they are extracted from the information_schema.