I've written a bootloader for my SAM4S that sits in sector 0 and loads an application in sector 1. The problem however is that when I attempt to jump to the new function it appears to generate an exception (debugger goes to Dummy_Handler()).
Bootloader contains the following entries in map:
.application 0x00410000 0x0
0x00410000 . = ALIGN (0x4)
0x00410000 _sappl = .
0x00410004 _sjump = (. + 0x4)
The application image map file has:
.vectors 0x00410000 0xd0 src/ASF/sam/utils/cmsis/sam4s/source/templates/gcc/startup_sam4s.o
0x00410000 exception_table
0x0041569c 0x100 src/ASF/sam/utils/cmsis/sam4s/source/templates/gcc/startup_sam4s.o
0x0041569c Reset_Handler
Exception table is defined as follows:
const DeviceVectors exception_table = {
/* Configure Initial Stack Pointer, using linker-generated symbols */
.pvStack = (void*) (&_estack),
.pfnReset_Handler = (void*) Reset_Handler,
The bootloader declares the application jump point as:
extern void (*_sjump) ();
and then makes the following call:
The memory contents at 0x00410004 are 0x0041569d, and I notice that this is not word aligned. Is this because we are using Thumb instructions? Either way why is it not 0x0041569c? Or more importantly why is this going to an exception?
Update: Found this but it does not appear to work for me:
void (*user_code_entry)(void);
unsigned *p;
p = (uint32_t)&_sappl + 4;
user_code_entry = (void (*)(void))(*p - 1);
if(applGood && tempGood) {
SCB->VTOR = &_sappl;
The code prints: 00410004 0041569D 0041569C
Update Update: The code that attempted to jump with a C function pointer produced the following Disassembly:
004005BA ldr r3, [r7, #4]
004005BC blx r3
I was able to get this working with the following assembly:
"mov r1, r0 \n"
"ldr r0, [r1, #4] \n"
"ldr sp, [r1] \n"
"blx r0"
Based on this I wonder if the stack reset is required and, if so, is it possible to accomplish such in C?
functions. I don't see anyjmp
instruction in your bootloader, are you sure those four lines is all? Post your C or assembler code of the bootloader (and maybe its disassembly). – RedX