I seem to be pulling my hair out over something that seems pretty straight forward in my eyes. I cannot get a datagridview control to update correctly after altering a dataset.
I initially populate a datagridview from a dataset and auto generate the columns no problem. However, if I regenerate my dataset with new data, the datagridview will display the new data correctly, but won't remove the old column headers.
For example, I have a query that gives me Store Name and Manager and auto populates my datagridview. Then if I change my query to just give me Store Name and Supervisor, it gives me Store Name, Manager (with blank column) and Supervisor.
I have tried datagridview.refresh() and datagridview.update() but nothing seems to work. Here is my code:
Dim ExQry As New MySqlCommand(QryStr, MySQLConn)
ExQry.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter(ExQry)
dasCustomQryData.Clear() 'my dataset is called dasCustomQryData
da.Fill(dasCustomQryData, "QryData")
da.Update(dasCustomQryData, "QryData")
With dgvCustomQuery
.DataSource = Nothing
.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
.AutoGenerateColumns = True
.DataSource = dasCustomQryData
.DataMember = "QryData"
.Visible = True
End With
So, when I want to update my datagridview, I plugin a new QryStr to the above code and it rebuilds my dataset. The dataset is getting updated, because the datagridview contains the correct data, however, my problem is that the datagridview isn't clearing the old columns that aren't populated anymore.
All help appreciated. Thanks
then make that column not visible. – OneFineDay