I'm new to three.js and WebGL in general.
The sample at http://css.dzone.com/articles/threejs-render-real-world shows how to use raster GIS terrain data in three.js
Is it possible to use vector GIS data in a scene? For example, I have a series of points representing locations (including height) stored in real-world coordinates (meters). How would I go about displaying those in three.js?
The basic sample at http://threejs.org/docs/59/#Manual/Introduction/Creating_a_scene shows how to create a geometry using coordinates - could I use a similar approach with real-world coordinates such as
"x" : 339494.5,
"y" : 1294953.7,
"z": 0.75
or do I need to convert these into page units? Could I use my points to create a surface on which to drape an aerial image?
I tried modifying the simple sample but I'm not seeing anything (or any error messages): http://jsfiddle.net/slead/KpCfW/
Thanks for any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong, or whether this is indeed possible.