I would like to use the Fourier transform to find the center of a simulated entity under periodic boundary condition; periodic boundary conditions means, that whenever something exits through one side of the box, it is warped around to appear on the opposite side just like in the classic game asteroids.
So what I have is for each time frame a matrix (Nx3) with N the number of points in xyz. what I want to do is determine the center of that cloud even if it all moved over the periodic boundary and is so to say stuck in between.
My idea for an solution would now be do a (mass weigted) histogram of these points and then perform an FFT on that and use the phase of the first Fourier coefficient to determine where in the box the maximum would be.
as a test case I have used
import numpy as np
Points_x = np.random.randn(10000)
Box_min = -10
Box_max = 10
X = np.linspace( Box_min, Box_max, 100 )
### make a Histogram of the points
Histogram_Points = np.bincount( np.digitize( Points_x, X ), minlength=100 )
### make an artifical shift over the periodic boundary
Histogram_Points = np.r_[ Histogram_Points[45:], Histogram_Points[:45] ]
So now I can use FFT since it expects a periodic function anyways.
## doing fft
F = np.fft.fft(Histogram_Points)
## getting rid of everything but first harmonic
F[2:] = 0.
## back transforming
Fist_harmonic = np.fft.ifft(F)
That way I get a sine wave with its maximum exactly where the maximum of the histogram is.
Now I'd like to extract the position of the maximum not by taking the max function on the sine vector, but somehow it should be retrievable from the first (not the 0th) Fourier coefficient, since that should somehow contain the phase shift of the sine to have its maximum exactly at the maximum of the histogram.
Indeed, plotting
Cos_approx = cos( linspace(0,2*pi,100) * angle(F[1]) )
will give
But I can't figure out how to get the position of the peak from this angle.
Box_min + (Box_max-Box_min)*angle(F1)/2*pi
? – JaimeBox_min + (Box_max-Box_min) * angle(F[1]) % (2*pi)
we should have it – Magellan88