controller('dynamicRouteController', ['$scope', '$controller', '$routeParams', function($scope, $controller, $routeParams) {
if(/^\d+$/.test($routeParams.pageOrName)) {
$scope.controller = $controller('thisController', { $scope: $scope }).constructor;
$scope.templateUrl = '/www/thisPage';
} else {
$scope.controller = $controller('thatController', { $scope: $scope }).constructor;
$scope.templateUrl = '/www/thatPage';
this minifies to:
"use strict";
This is having issues minifying, I think its because of the {$scope : $scope} being altered... First time I have run into this/used this method. Anyone know a better way to write this so it minifies correctly?
EDIT: so whats happening, is that it is passing the {$scope: a} which is fine, but on that referenced controller, when its minified, that $scope has become a or b or e depending... so if I write the code "pre-minified", meaning I literally find what letter represents $scope in the other controller, I can get it to work, but thats so hacky! Again, any ideas?
Using Grunt for minification Angular 1.0.5 ... maybe fixed in later versions?
2nd EDIT: A decent answer is to throw both controllers into the same file, explicitly... which is ugly... but it works! so with in one controller, I am declaring 2 sub controllers, which is lame. If you know of another way please share with the class!
{"$scope": $scope}
? – Phil$controller
doco that has{$scope: {}}
. Give that a try – Philvar scope = $scope;
then$controller('thatController', { $scope: scope }).constructor;
Similar to how one would achieve the same end when testing a controller. Although when testing you tend to usevar scope = $rootScope.$new();
– Jonathan Palumbo