I've started working with Symfony2 and MongoDB (Doctrine ODM) and am having difficulty getting the unique validator constraint to work on multiple fields (one field references another MongoDB document with DBRef). In my validation.yml file, I have:
- Doctrine\Bundle\MongoDBBundle\Validator\Constraints\Unique:
fields: [position, section]
The "position" field is an integer and "section" is a referenceOne field which points to an entity in another bundle.
When I submit a form for this I see the following queries in the profiler:
db.article_position.find({ "position": 1, "section": "51ff78494fae886b1f7c0f1d" });
db.article_position.insert({ "000000005dc659f30000000082e5d25d": { "_id":ObjectId("5203d1804fae880e801fd12d"), "position": 1, "section": { "$ref": "section", "$id": ObjectId("51ff78494fae886b1f7c0f1d"), "$db": "my_db" } } });
Symfony/Doctrine looks like they are trying to do the right thing. The first find() looks for a matching document with both the position and section field, but it's missing the DBRef fields ($ref, $id, $db) and always returns an empty set.
The find() query should be like this:
db.article_position.find({ "position": 1, "section": { "$ref": "section", "$id": ObjectId("51ff78494fae886b1f7c0f1d"), "$db": "my_db" }});
My doctrine YAML file looks like:
type: document
collection: article_position
targetDocument: Acme\SomeOtherBundle\Document\Section
type: id
id: true
type: int
The section document is located in a separate bundle from the ArticlePosition document.