
Here we have a simple class herarchy, and use of generics with a type constraint of new()

public abstract class Base 

public class Derived : Base

public class TestClass
    private void DoSomething<T>(T arg) where T : new()

    public void TestMethod()
        Derived d1 = new Derived();
        DoSomething(d1); // compiles

        Base d2 = new Derived();
        DoSomething(d2); // compile error

The code fails to compile at the indicated line, with an error of:

'Base' must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'Foo.DoSomething(T)'

This error is clear and makes sense, but I had hoped that the compiler would understand that all derivations of Base (that could be instantiated at this point) do have a public parameterless constructor.

Would this be theoretically possible for the compiler?

It's this line that worries me more non-abstract type than the parameter-less constructor clauseKevin DiTraglia

2 Answers


Alas you have to explicitly give the type


theoretically is not possible to create something that is abstract


new Constraint (C# Reference):

To use the new constraint, the type cannot be abstract.


Base d2 = new Derived();

You are in fact doing:

Base d2 = new Derived();

Since the Base is abstract, compilation error occurs.

So, you have to cast explicitly:

Base d2 = new Derived();
DoSomething((Derived) d2);

How could you ensure the compiler, that anyone ever put there something, that is not abstract?

The only manner that I see would be, if we got a keyword like "must-inherit-to-non-astract" and then create public must-inherit-to-non-abstract abstract class Base. After that, the compiler could be sure, that if you put the base instance into your method, that will be in fact a subclass, that is non-abstract and therefore can be instantiated.