Can anybody tell me why this isn't resolving:
/*put all transaction table names into a data set*/
/*(table names are of format transac_20130603_20130610 (date from and date to)*/
data transaction_tables;
set SASHELP.VTABLE (keep=libname memname);
where lowcase(substr(memname,1,8))='transac_'
/*sort and add rownumbers*/
proc sql;
create table transaction_tables as
select *, monotonic() as rownum
from transaction_tables
order by memname;
/*find rownumber of first and last transaction tables with run dates before campaign start and after end date of campaign*/
data _NULL_;
set transaction_tables;
if substr(memname,9,8)<=&pre_period_start. and substr(memname,18,8)>=&pre_period_start. then do;
call symput("r1", rownum);
data _NULL_;
set transaction_tables;
if substr(memname,9,8)<=&max_enddate. and substr(memname,18,8)>=&max_enddate. then do;
call symput("r2", rownum);
%put &r1; %put &r2;
/*r1 = 11, r2 = 27 - both resolving OK*/
/*get all relevant transaction table names where rownumbers are between r1 and r2*/
/*r1=11 and r2=27 so my transaction table name macros should run from t_0 to t_16/*
%macro trans;
%let y = %eval(&r2 - &r1);
%do i=0 %to &y;
data _NULL_;
set transaction_tables;
if rownum = &r2 - (&r2 - &r1 - &i) then do;
call symput("t_&i", cats(libname, '.', memname));
%mend trans;
%put &t_0;
--WARNING: Macro variable "&t_0" was not resolved
i'm not entirely sure why but from messing around with a few of the variables i think the problem lies with the last part where it is attempting to assign table names to t_&i macros. i think the issue is with trying to name a macro variable while trying to call another macro variable (trying to create macro t_0 by calling &i when i=0). i guess i've screwed something up with the syntax because i think the logic is fairly sound.