
I have to run SQL Azure Powershell script in SQL Azure query editor. I have done run Windows Powershell script in SQL server(Express edition) query editor of my system as

xp_cmdshell 'sqlps -command "$http=New-Object system.Net.WebClient;$http.downloadString(\"url\")"'

It was successfully called the application by the url. But when I try to use same concept in SQL Azure, I come to know there is SQL Azure Powershell. From this poweshell I can call the application by url, for that I need to open SQL Azure Powershell and write the command, I Don't want to do in this way. I want to do the way I did in SQL server that write the query to run the Powershell script, I searched a lot but I don't find how to run the SQL Azure Powershell script in SQL Azure query editor Since It doesn't support the xp_cmdshell.

can any one help me to solve this problem or refer me link where I can find material about SQL Azure Powershell


1 Answers


You can't execute powershell scripts on the SQL Azure machine because of security related issues. Why do you want to execute a powershell script, what does the script do? Perhaps there is another way of achieving your objective.