I am trying to build a very simple widget with two input fields Name and Email address. Right now I am following http://www.deepcode.co.uk/search?q=how+to+build+a+widget+without+a+model+in+Orchard.
public int UpdateFrom22()
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterTypeDefinition("QuickLinkWidget", builder => builder
.WithSetting("Stereotype", "Widget"));
return 23;
ContentPartRecord (Models/QuickLinkWidgetRecord.cs)
public class QuickLinkWidgetRecord : ContentPartRecord
//We shall not define any property for this class.
//We shall not create any HANDLER for this widget because we do not need to store any data to our database.
ContentPart: (Models/QuickLinkWidgetPart.cs)
public class QuickLinkWidgetPart : ContentPart<QuickLinkWidgetRecord>
//Again we shall not definte any Record property here......
//We shall not create any HANDLER for this widget because we do not need to store any data to our database.
Did not define any as I don't have deal with any repository.
Driver: ((Models/QuickLinkWidgetDriver.cs))
public class QuickLinkWidgetDriver : ContentPartDriver<QuickLinkWidgetPart>
override DriverResult Display(QuickLinkWidgetPart part, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper)
//We do not have any property defined in Model class.
//So we don't have to assign any Default values to anything!
//We shall just return a SHAPE of the widget
<Place Widgets_QuickLinkWidget="AsideFirst:1" />
And finally the View: Views/Widgets/QuickLinkWidget.cshtml
@using Emfluence.Intrust.Models;
@model Contact
<h2>Our Side link widget</h2>
Nothing extra I added in my View
Please help me understanding what I am doing wrong. Why I am not able to see the widget rendered at all? I am stuck with it for the last 3 days!, just want to see it rendering first!
Thanks in advance fro your help