In my custom view i have 1 animation that i need to run at demand (on tile click). Currently i am using this method:
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
//check what tile for clicked
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
So i am calling (or sending to view thread, to be specific) a Runnable that calls it self until it comes to an end of an image...
private Runnable explosionThread=new Runnable(){
public void run() {
getHandler().postDelayed(this, 10);
In my onDraw() method i implemented logic to go threw bitmap and draw it on screen ( using cnavas.drawBitmap(bitmap,srcRect,destRect,paint)....
Now, I want to avoid using SurfaceView (i have only 1 animation and View uses less resources). I think the animation is slow because onDraw needs to draw whole screen each time invalidate() is called witch can be slow ( drawing 64 tiles with png images). I know that there is an overload of invalidate method, invalidate(Rect dirty) but i don't really know how to use it. If u think that that is the answer please write how to avoid drawing whole onDraw method ( or what method can I overwrite that is used by invalidate(Rect) method, if there is any).
If you have any other better way to speed up animation post it plz. Thanks in advance....