We have Sitecore 6.5 with AD Module 1.0.4.
Users who are in the AD group for DEPARTMENT\SitecoreUsers can login to Sitecore, but users who are in DEPARTMENT\Sitecore_Role1 group cannot login even though the DEPARTMENT\Sitecore_Role1 group is a member of Sitecore_Users.
The LDAP.IncludeIndirectMembership is set to true and all the groups that have membership in DOMAIN\SitecoreUsers show up in the role manager. I have tried adding Sitecore_Role1 role as a member of sitecore\Sitecore Client Users, but that still did not allow Sitecore_Role1 members to login.
Do all of our AD users have to be added to both their Sitecore_Role group and the Sitecore_Users group? I thought that belonging to member groups should allow them to login to Sitecore. Can someone please set me straight?
I have worked though the Sitecore AD Module Admin guide and think that I have set it up correctly, but here is what I think are relevant settings for review.
The connection string being used is:
<add name="WUDOSISConnectionString" connectionString="LDAP://wudosis.wustl.edu:389/DC=department,DC=ourorg,DC=edu"/>
and our AD is set up like
- Department
+ Groups
* Sitecore
- Sitecore_Users
- Sitecore_Role1 (Member of Sitecore_Users)
- Sitecore_Role2 (Member of Sitecore_Users)
The items in system.web/membership/prividers, roleManager, and profile all have a customFilter = (memberOf=CN=Sitecore_Users,OU=Sitecore,OU=Groups,DC=department,DC=ourorg,DC=edu)