I use Symfony 2.2.4, and I try desperately to generate URL (with Twig). In fact, I obtain always the same error when my URL cointain a dot.
For example : - Route: "my_route" - First parameter: "id" - Second parameter: "title"
In Twig:
{{ path("my_route", {"id" : 1984, "title" : "another...test"}) }}
I obtain the following error:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Parameter "title" for route "my_route" must match "[^/.]++" ("another...test" given) to generate a corresponding URL.") in ...
I've tried with Symfony 2.0.3, and there are no problem.
Have you got an idea to resolve this problem?
Thanks by advance for your help.
Best regards
Match non-forward-slash and non-character
, actually can we see the route configuration. – Flosculus