Could someone be so kind as to explain MVVM Light's Messenger for me? I was reading a post on StackOverflow here: MVVM pass values between view models trying to get this. The documentation on MVVM Light's not that great at this point so I'm completely unsure where to go.
Say I have two ViewModels and a ViewModelLocator. I want to be able to pass parameters between all three without issue. How would I go about doing this with the messenger? Is it capable of that?
Edit: Here's my new implementation. As of now, it looks as if MessengerInstance doesn't call for a token. I'm terribly confused.
In the first ViewModel:
And in the second:
MessengerInstance.Register<XDocument>(this, xdoc => CopySettings(xdoc));
Could be completely wrong. Haven't gotten a chance to test it, but visual studio gets less angry with me when I do it this way. Also the MessengerInstance does register before the Message is sent.