I have a problem with apache pig and did not know how I can solve it, or if it is possible. Im working with hbase as the "storage layer". The table looks like this:
row key/column (b1, c1) (b2, c2) ... (bn, cn)
a1 empty empty empty
a2 ...
an ...
There are row keys a1 to an and every row has different columns with the syntax (bn, cn). The value of every row/column is empty.
My Pig Programm looks like this:
/* Loading the data */
mydata = load 'hbase://mytable' ... as (a:chararray, b_c:map[]);
/* finding the right elements */
sub1 = FILTER mydata BY a == 'a1';
sub2 = FILTER mydata BY a == 'a2');
Now I want to join sub1 and sub2, which means I want to find the columns that exists in both data sub1 and sub2. How can I do this?