I have a exponentially decaying sinusoidal function which should decay in microseconds with frequency of 5 MHz.
function[t,x]=microsec(a, p, d, f)
% microsec plots an oscillatory transient voltage disturbance
% f = 5 MHz;
% a is the magnitude of oscillatory disturbance component
% p is the starting time of osillatory disturbance component in normal
% voltage
% d is the decay factor of oscillatory component
f = 5000000;
a = 1.0;
p = 0.03;
d = 55e4;
ff=50; %frequency of normal voltage
x=sin(2*pi*ff*t)+ a*(u(t-p).*(exp(-d.*(t-p)))).*sin(2*pi*f*(t));
%exponentially decaying sinusoidal...
%...transient element added to normal voltage
function y=u(t)
% unit step function needed to decide the starting time of disturbance
I expect this output:
But the resulting plot is not what I desired, it is blank up to the starting time of the disturbance:
Increasing the decay factor or oscillatory component frequency does not improve my result.
Someone told me, it is due to over-sampling. However, I didn't get help on
- How to plot a graph for microseconds range i.e. a sine wave of duration 0.1 sec
- With a frequency of 50Hz
- And a disturbance starting at 0.03 sec
- And the disturbance itself being only microseconds in duration.
. Forf=500
I get this result. – Schorsch