
Posted on the PA forums regarding this issue I'm facing getting South to work on PA but it seems like the helpful folk on there are busy these days, so here I am.

  1. I understand that Django in PA ships with South.

  2. In the python shell on a bash console on PA, import south does not return any errors.

  3. I have included 'south', in the INSTALLED_APPS section of my settings.py file.

  4. I have run python manage.py syncdb prior to executing any South commands, and the syncdb runs but I cannot discern any differences in that output from an un-Southed syncdb. This is the output:

    Creating tables ...

    Installing custom SQL ...

    Installing indexes ...

    No fixtures found.

  5. Trying to run any South command returns Unknown Command: 'south_command'. This applies to all of:

    python manage.py convert_to_south app_name

    python manage.py schemamigration app_name --initial

    python manage.py schemamigration app_name --auto

If it helps, I had set up my web app using the Manual Configuration method as suggested on the PA tutorial, rather than as a Django project.

I am literally stuck at step zero, any help at all would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

try doing import south in django shell. You might not be using the same pythonkarthikr
Yes, the shell I invoked was through python manage.py shell, on PA, so I think that would have meant that the import south used was legit?gx14
Did you get anywhere with this? I wonder if you have an extra 'south' directory -- see the comments in stackoverflow.com/questions/12346033/…George Lund
You still looking for an answer? it's been open for 3 months now. I dont think you would have waited 3 months for the answer, unless you're patient.Joe
import south; print south.__file___. Incorrect path?erny

1 Answers


Sounds like you did everything right.

A simple restart of the server (on the Web page of your dashboard) might solve it?