I am trying to a vba code with worksheet function sumifs. I have two sheets, sheet 1 contains criteria range and sheet 2 contains criteria.
Sheet 1:
Group Year Cutomer Amount
A 2012 Gold 1000
B 2013 Platinum 1250
C 2012 Gold 1500
B 2012 Platinum 1750
C 2013 Gold 2000
A 2013 Platinum 2250
C 2012 Gold 2500
A 2013 Platinum 2750
B 2012 Gold 3000
Sheet 2:
2012 2013
A Gold
A Platinum
B Gold
B Platinum
C Gold
C Platinum
My code is as follows:
Dim i As Variant
Dim condition As Range
For i = 2 To 7
sheet2.Cells(i, 3) = WorksheetFunction.sumifs(sheet1.Range("d2:d10"), sheet1.Range("a2:a10"), sheet2.Cells(i, 1), sheet1.Range("c2:c10"), sheet2.Cells(i, 2), sheet1.Range("B2:B10"), sheet2.Range("c2"))
sheet2.Cells(i, 4) = WorksheetFunction.sumifs(sheet1.Range("d2:d10"), sheet1.Range("a2:a10"), sheet2.Cells(i, 1), sheet1.Range("c2:c10"), sheet2.Cells(i, 2), sheet1.Range("B2:B10"), sheet2.Range("d2"))
Next i
End Sub
With the above code, vba is running but it gives only zero as answer.
My answer is as follows:
2012 2013
A Gold 0 0
A Platinum 0 0
B Gold 0 0
B Platinum 0 0
C Gold 0 0
C Platinum 0 0
Can somebody help me out?.