I'm trying to resize the slideshow window using Applescript and Powerpoint 2011 for Mac.
In the past I've used VBA to do the job, but here it seems impossible to do with Applescript. The script is:
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
set show type of slide show settings of active presentation to slide show type speaker
set theSSW to run slide show slide show settings of active presentation
set height of theSSW to 300
set width of theSSW to 400
end tell
(the script above is directly copied from Applescript Reference)
The problem is that the slideshow window is cropped but not resized. That is making me crazy.
Any idea?
EDIT: Definitely there are 2 ways to launch and open a PPT file on Mac with Applescript:
In "speaker mode" the window shrinks but only a portion of the presentation is shown. the presentation is not resized but I can advance on mouse click.
In "window mode" the presentation is resized. I can view all the slide but I cannot advance on mouse click. (If I set the "window mode" manually, the mouse click works even if I THEN resize it with Applescript)
If I work on Windows this problem doesn't exist.