
I'm using a devexpress pie chart. There are 2 slices, with values 8 and 12 (out of a total of 20). when I use the code below, the values shown on slices are 0/4 and 0/6, while I need the values to be 40% and 60%.

((PiePointOptions)series.LegendPointOptions).PointView = PointView.Values;
((PiePointOptions)series.LegendPointOptions).PercentOptions.ValueAsPercent = false;

Setting ValueAsPercent = true only makes things worse by changing the values to 0 and 1!!! And showing the same proportions (0/4 and 0/6) on the slices.

How do I show percentage of each slice??


1 Answers


Here is a simple example see if it helps

// Create an empty chart.
        ChartControl pieChart = new ChartControl();

        // Create a pie series and add it to the chart.
        Series series1 = new Series("Pie Series", ViewType.Pie);

        // Add points to it.
        series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("A", new double[] { 0.3 }));
        series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("B", new double[] { 5 }));
        series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("C", new double[] { 9 }));
        series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint("D", new double[] { 12 }));

        // Make the series point labels display both arguments and values.
        ((PiePointOptions)series1.Label.PointOptions).PointView = PointView.ArgumentAndValues;

        // Make the series points' values to be displayed as percents.
        ((PiePointOptions)series1.Label.PointOptions).PercentOptions.ValueAsPercent = true;
        ((PiePointOptions)series1.Label.PointOptions).ValueNumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.Percent;
        ((PiePointOptions)series1.Label.PointOptions).ValueNumericOptions.Precision = 0;

        // Add the chart to the form.
        pieChart.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;