I'm running the following code to output a histogram of a certain variable:
ods results off;
ods listing close;
ods pdf file="&folder/temp.pdf";
title ;
* Histogram of betCount;
proc univariate data=want;
var BetCount;
*label sex=' ' height='Height (cm)';
ods pdf close;
ods listing;
ods results on;
It does create a PDF, but there's lots of extra tables and output. I just want to see the histogram only, as I'm read into latex as part of a \minipage with six figures in it. I have done this manually before by taking a screenshot of the required region, pasting into Paint and coverting to PDF or PNG: I don't want to go down that road again! How can this be done in general for graphs and plots in SAS?
Thanks for any help at all.