
I have followed this tutorial http://www.raywenderlich.com/12170/core-data-tutorial-how-to-preloadimport-existing-data-updated

Ive now used to tutorial and created my own application for which I have two entities and got stuck as my entities have a one to many relationship.

Make (attributes: carMake) Model (attributes: carModel)

Every Make has many Models. (One to Many Relationship defined as (models)).

I have set the inverse aswell to "make".

I have two questions, firstly how would you go about filling the data in the JSON file, Something like the below? with cars being the data model name.

[{ "cars":{ 
           "carMake": "BMW", 
           "models": [ 
                      {"carModel": "1 Series"} 
                      {"carModel": "3 Series"} 
                      { "carModel": "4 Series"}  
           "carMake": "Audi", 
           "models": [ 
                      {"carModel": "A4"} 
                      {"carModel": "A3"} 

secondly how would i convert this data through xcode into a sqlite database as in Rays tutorial he does not state how to do this for a one to many relationship.

Thank you in advance for anyone posting a reply.

Below is the code used to pre populate data from JSON file to SQLITE using to one relationship:

[Banks enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
    FailedBankInfo *failedBankInfo = [NSEntityDescription
    failedBankInfo.name = [obj objectForKey:@"name"];
    failedBankInfo.city = [obj objectForKey:@"city"];
    failedBankInfo.state = [obj objectForKey:@"state"];
    FailedBankDetails *failedBankDetails = [NSEntityDescription
    failedBankDetails.closeDate = [NSDate dateWithString:[obj objectForKey:@"closeDate"]];
    failedBankDetails.updateDate = [NSDate date];
    failedBankDetails.zip = [obj objectForKey:@"zip"];
    failedBankDetails.info = failedBankInfo;
    failedBankInfo.details = failedBankDetails;
    NSError *error;
    if (![context save:&error]) {
        NSLog(@"Whoops, couldn't save: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
Is this still actual to you? If yes, can you please update your question with the code you use for to-one relationships (I guess, it is the part of a whole job, you do understand how to deal with from tutorial) so the possible respondents could understand your concrete context.Stanislav Pankevich
yes still stuck with this issue. I shall post the code used in the tutorial for a one to one.user2512523
Before I go with detailed answer, could you please also post: what field of Make is responsible for storing value "BMW"? What field of Model is responsible for storing values like "1 Series"?Stanislav Pankevich
If you would like to get an answer to your question as fast as possible without writing a whole bunch of comments feel free to contact me in skype (see my profile). I am ready to assist you, if you are not afraid of contacting "one of those russian guys". This comment is just for you. I will delete it in an hour or so, not to make an offtopic noise here in this topic.Stanislav Pankevich
BMW is stored in attribute "carMake" of type "string" in Entity "Make". Similarly 1 Series is stored in attribute "carModel" of type "string" in Entity "Model".user2512523

1 Answers


This how I do this:

 NSError* err = nil;
 NSArray *jsonArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
 NSString* dataPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Words" ofType:@"json"];
 jsonArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:dataPath]
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [self managedObjectContext];

[jsonArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
        WordEntity *word = [NSEntityDescription

word.greekText = [obj objectForKey:@"greektext"];
word.englishText = [obj objectForKey:@"englishtext"];
word.uid = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [obj objectForKey:@"uid"]];
word.category = [obj valueForKey:@"category"];

        NSError *error;
        if (![context save:&error]) {
            NSLog(@"Whoops, couldn't save: %@", [error localizedDescription]);