I'm trying to read two separate files by awk and parse the second one into output file.
file1 contains numbers:
file2 contains a header (number of fields <3) and data values in columns (25 columns)
_rlnNrOfSignificantSamples #24
_rlnMaxValueProbDistribution #25
300.000000 25425.970703 25000.669922 6.050000 2.000000 56.000000 0.277790 79096.000000 0.100000 000001@Particles/Micrographs/006_particles.mrcs 453.000000 604.000000 1.000000 0.859382 Micrographs/006.mrc 1 -3.469177 -3.469177 0.000000 0.000000 -82.345885 23 9475.876495 1 0.988689
300.000000 25425.970703 25000.669922 6.050000 2.000000 56.000000 0.277790 79096.000000 0.100000 000002@Particles/Micrographs/006_particles.mrcs 431.000000 428.000000 1.000000 0.806442 Micrographs/006.mrc 1 -1.469177 -3.469177 0.000000 0.000000 87.654115 22 9412.959278 1 1.000000
I want to read numbers from file1 into array, then:
- print header from file2
- print lines from file2, if values in field $22 are NOT in array (in example earlier its values are 23 and 22)
After one day of struggling I came up with the following:
awk -v f=$FieldNum 'FNR==NR{num[$1]; next}
# print the header of file2
if(NF < 3) {print > "output"}
# check lines after header
else {if (f in num) {} else {print >> "output"}}
}' $file1 $file2
But it turns out to print all the lines from file2, so the array checking doesn't work. Could you please spot my mistake?