I'm new to Backbone, and I'm very confused about what's happening when I pass a JSON array (of objects) to a Backbone Collection.
I'm fetching some JSON from a spreadsheet hosted on Google Drive. I'm parsing that data, as the actual data that I want to use in my collection is deeply nested. In my parse function, if I log the length of my desired array, I get 157 (that's correct). I then pass that array into a Backbone Collection, and the length of my collection is 1 (incorrect). It's as though foo.bar.length = 157, but there is only one 'bar' in 'foo', so when I pass foo.bar into the collection, it takes foo.bar and not the contents of foo.bar! Very confused.
Code below...
var table = new TableView();
TableItem = Backbone.Model.extend(),
TableItemCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend( {
model : TableItem,
url : 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/0AjbU8ta9j916dFdjSVg3YkNPUUJnWkZSWjBDWmZab3c/1/public/basic?alt=json-in-script',
sync : function( method, model, options ) {
var params = _.extend( {
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: this.url,
processData: false
}, options );
return $.ajax( params );
parse : function( resp, xhr ) {
console.log( resp.feed.entry.length ); // THIS LOGS 157
return resp.feed.entry;
} ),
TableView = Backbone.View.extend( {
initialize : function ( options ) {
this.collection = new TableItemCollection();
this.collection.on( 'reset', this.parseResponse, this );
this.collection.fetch( {
reset : true,
success : function ( model, response, options ) {
console.log( 'OK' ); // THIS LOGS 'OK'
error : function ( model, response, options ) {
console.log( 'ERROR' );
} );
parseResponse : function () {
console.log( this.collection.length ); // THIS LOGS 1
} );
are you sure that it is an array? Please log out in your parse methodconsole.log(_.isArray(resp.feed.entry))
! – nemesv