
Unable to attach to application WebDev.WebServer40.exe Visual Studio has insufficient priveleges to debug this process.

I am getting the following error when trying to debug a simple new asp.net web application.

Thanks for any help.

Try to run the VS as the administrator (right-click the icon and select the optiin from the os shell context menu).Wiktor Zychla
I do not have the option to select Run as Administrator in Windows 2003 Server however I tried to run VS under a user account who is in the Administrators group in Windows 2003 Server OS but still got the same error message.desiguy
You have. Shift + right click the shortcut.Wiktor Zychla
I tried Shift + Right click but I still don't see the Run as Administrator option. I only see Run as and when I click on it this is the prompt I get: docs.nuget.org/docs/reference/images/RunAsRestricted.png I have tried unchecking the Run this program with restricted access.desiguy
Select an administrator account and provide credentials.Wiktor Zychla

3 Answers


I closed visual studio and then killed all visual studio processes. After this I restarted visual studio and it worked for me.


If you find more than one 'WebDev.WebServer.EXE' in customize notification area right click and close it. It worked for me.


Just reboot the machine error will sovle.