I'm using BlackBerry_JDE_PluginFull_1.1.2.201003212304-12 (BB 5 SO).
When i rich click project -> BlackBerry -> Package Project its, generates some files on my deliverable folder. This files are the one u use to put the App on the web so my client can download the app and install it on his BlackBerry.
Now i'm facing a problem, some times, its create a file that prevent me install the app on BB. this file is ProjectName-1.debug.
What is making this error is why i am here. I don't know why this is happening.
My code that works fine:
public void agendar(){
String msg = "asdasd";
boolean seguir = true;
if(_cedula.getText() == null){
seguir = false;
if(seguir && _fechaNac.getDate() < 1){
seguir = false;
if(seguir && _tel.getText() == null){
seguir = false;
if(seguir && _pnombre.getText() == null ){
seguir = false;
if(seguir && _papellido.getText() != null){
seguir = false;
int i = Dialog.ask(Dialog.D_OK, msg);
Same code with one line that makes the "error":
public void agendar(){
String msg = "asdasd";
boolean seguir = true;
if(_cedula.getText() == null){
seguir = false;
msg = " xxx ";
if(seguir && _fechaNac.getDate() < 1){
seguir = false;
if(seguir && _tel.getText() == null){
seguir = false;
if(seguir && _pnombre.getText() == null ){
seguir = false;
if(seguir && _papellido.getText() != null){
seguir = false;
int i = Dialog.ask(Dialog.D_OK, msg);
The only difference is the line msg = " xxx ".
The components im using are BasicEditField and one DateField.
Also if i add this
int i = Dialog.ask(Dialog.D_OK, "aaaaaaaaa asdasd ");
the package get corrupted.
Yesterday, i created a new class in the project and just that was enough to corrupt the package.
So far, i re installed the eclipse plugin, and nothing changed. I can't fine any reference to this problem on google. Im stuck here with this and i dont know what else to check. On the simulator its works fine.
What is making this happening? What does -1.debug mean? When i try to install the app it looks for -1.cod file.
Any help is appreciated.