
I am trying to get the stock details from google finance using the following code.

<script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
var gstock=["INDEXBOM:SENSEX","SHA:000001"];
for( var i=0;i<gstock.length;i++){
    var stockInfo = response[0];
    var stockString ='<div class="stockWrapper">STOCK:';
    stockString +='<span class="stockSymbol">'+stockInfo.t+'</span>';
    stockString +='<span class="stockPrice">'+stockInfo.l+'</span>';
    stockString +='<span class="stockChange">'+stockInfo.c+'</span>';
    stockString +='<span>at</span> <span class="stockTime">'+stockInfo.ltt+'</span>';
    stockString +='</div>';
<div class="stockTick"></div>

Here when I hardcode the stock exchange details it work.. for example if i put INDEXBOM:SENSEX instead of gstock[i] in the getJSON url it works. But i need to get the data of more than 1 stock exchange but i get an error that Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string in the getJson line. I am not getting what the error is. May be a small one which i didnt notice. Can anyone help me with this?


1 Answers


Use '+' to concatenate string in javascript, not '.'.
