The following query
SELECT { [Measures].[Comp Money In] } ON COLUMNS, { ( [Dim User].[UserLevel1].[UserLevel1].AllMembers * [Dim User].[UserLevel2].[UserLevel2].AllMembers * [Dim User].[UserLevel3].[UserLevel3].AllMembers * [Dim User].[UserLevel4].[UserLevel4].AllMembers * [Dim User].[UserLevel5].[UserLevel5].AllMembers ) } ON ROWS FROM [Activities] WHERE ( [Dim User].[UserIdHierarchy].[UserLevel1Id].&[#513], [Dim User].[UserTypeHierarchy].[UserTypeLevel1].&[Commercial Partner].&[Agent] ) CELL Properties Value
Brings up the following result :
My problem is that, since I am filtering the [Dim User].[UserTypeHierarchy], the measure values which are being shown, are only of those which have the type as a [Commercial Partner].&[Agent]. I would like that even though I am showing the user tree, the figures that are being shown show all the measures, as if it is like descendants([Hierarchy], 0, self_and_after).
How do I achieve this? I tried using calculated members already, but the figures shown are not aggregating the descendants of all the user types under the [Dim User].[UserTypeHierarchy] hierarchy.
To explain myself better, the following image is without the user type filter:
So my desired result, is the first image, where I am only displaying users of user type commercial partner, but the figures of the 2nd image, so for example
513 will show all the figures aggregating the descendants
100310 will show all the figures aggregating all users under him on the 3rd level
So on so fourth.