
I really like the UI of the select2 control. However, I really want to use the kendo datasource for binding. The select2 control is a merge of autocomplete and dropdownlist. I want to have the name value pair, which autocomplete doesn't give you. The combobox is close, however that allows new entry, which I don't want.

I'm willing to make my own control and contribute it to the Labs projects. However, I'd like some advice on getting started. My question is, which control would I start with as a base? Any hints or advice to get started? Doesn't seem like it would be a large change from the existing controls.


~ Paul

Did you consider Kendo UI multiselect? it is not Select2 but maybe is enough for what you are looking for.OnaBai
@pwelter34 Isn't my solution close to what you want?I was just curious to know whether It worked for you or not?rafoo

2 Answers


You can use Combobox and add functionality to change event such that if it's new entry (selected index: -1), set empty value. Check T-shirt Fabric combobox on this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/sanjeev537/9ZNMJ/