I am working on fitting a 3d distribution function in scipy. I have a numpy array with counts in x- and y-bins, and I am trying to fit that to a rather complicated 3-d distribution function. The data is fit to 26 (!) parameters, which describe the shape of its two constituent populations.
I learned here that I have to pass my x- and y-coordinates as 'args' when I call leastsq. The code presented by unutbu works as written for me, but when I try to apply it to my specific case, I am given the error "TypeError: leastsq() got multiple values for keyword argument 'args' "
Here's my code (sorry for the length):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as spopt
from textwrap import wrap
import collections
cl = 0.5
ch = 3.5
rl = -23.5
rh = -18.5
mbins = 10
cbins = 10
def hist_data(mixed_data, mbins, cbins):
import numpy as np
H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(mixed_data[:,1], mixed_data[:,2], bins = (mbins, cbins), weights = mixed_data[:,3])
x, y = 0.5 * (xedges[:-1] + xedges[1:]), 0.5 * (yedges[:-1] + yedges[1:])
return H.T, x, y
def gauss(x, s, mu, a):
import numpy as np
return a * np.exp(-((x - mu)**2. / (2. * s**2.)))
def tanhlin(x, p0, p1, q0, q1, q2):
import numpy as np
return p0 + p1 * (x + 20.) + q0 * np.tanh((x - q1)/q2)
def func3d(p, x, y):
import numpy as np
from sys import exit
rsp0, rsp1, rsq0, rsq1, rsq2, rmp0, rmp1, rmq0, rmq1, rmq2, rs, rm, ra, bsp0, bsp1, bsq0, bsq1, bsq2, bmp0, bmp1, bmq0, bmq1, bmq2, bs, bm, ba = p
x, y = np.meshgrid(coords[0], coords[1])
rs = tanhlin(x, rsp0, rsp1, rsq0, rsq1, rsq2)
rm = tanhlin(x, rmp0, rmp1, rmq0, rmq1, rmq2)
ra = schechter(x, rap, raa, ram) # unused
bs = tanhlin(x, bsp0, bsp1, bsq0, bsq1, bsq2)
bm = tanhlin(x, bmp0, bmp1, bmq0, bmq1, bmq2)
ba = schechter(x, bap, baa, bam) # unused
red_dist = ra / (rs * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * gauss(y, rs, rm, ra)
blue_dist = ba / (bs * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * gauss(y, bs, bm, ba)
result = red_dist + blue_dist
return result
def residual(p, coords, data):
import numpy as np
model = func3d(p, coords)
res = (model.flatten() - data.flatten())
# can put parameter restrictions in here
return res
def poiss_err(data):
import numpy as np
return np.where(np.sqrt(H) > 0., np.sqrt(H), 2.)
# =====
H, x, y = hist_data(mixed_data, mbins, cbins)
data = H
coords = x, y
# x and y will be the projected coordinates of the data H onto the plane z = 0
# x has bins of width 0.5, with centers at -23.25, -22.75, ... , -19.25, -18.75
# y has bins of width 0.3, with centers at 0.65, 0.95, ... , 3.05, 3.35
Param = collections.namedtuple('Param', 'rsp0 rsp1 rsq0 rsq1 rsq2 rmp0 rmp1 rmq0 rmq1 rmq2 rs rm ra bsp0 bsp1 bsq0 bsq1 bsq2 bmp0 bmp1 bmq0 bmq1 bmq2 bs bm ba')
p_guess = Param(rsp0 = 0.152, rsp1 = 0.008, rsq0 = 0.044, rsq1 = -19.91, rsq2 = 0.94, rmp0 = 2.279, rmp1 = -0.037, rmq0 = -0.108, rmq1 = -19.81, rmq2 = 0.96, rs = 1., rm = -20.5, ra = 10000., bsp0 = 0.298, bsp1 = 0.014, bsq0 = -0.067, bsq1 = -19.90, bsq2 = 0.58, bmp0 = 1.790, bmp1 = -0.053, bmq0 = -0.363, bmq1 = -20.75, bmq2 = 1.12, bs = 1., bm = -20., ba = 2000.)
opt, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = spopt.leastsq(residual, p_guess, poiss_err(H), args = coords, maxfev = 100000, full_output = True)
Here's my data, just with fewer bins:
[[ 1.00000000e+01 1.10000000e+01 2.10000000e+01 1.90000000e+01
1.70000000e+01 2.10000000e+01 2.40000000e+01 1.90000000e+01
2.80000000e+01 1.90000000e+01]
[ 1.40000000e+01 4.50000000e+01 6.00000000e+01 6.80000000e+01
1.34000000e+02 1.97000000e+02 2.23000000e+02 2.90000000e+02
3.23000000e+02 3.03000000e+02]
[ 3.00000000e+01 1.17000000e+02 3.78000000e+02 9.74000000e+02
1.71900000e+03 2.27700000e+03 2.39000000e+03 2.25500000e+03
1.85600000e+03 1.31000000e+03]
[ 1.52000000e+02 9.32000000e+02 2.89000000e+03 5.23800000e+03
6.66200000e+03 6.19100000e+03 4.54900000e+03 3.14600000e+03
2.09000000e+03 1.33800000e+03]
[ 5.39000000e+02 2.58100000e+03 6.51300000e+03 8.89900000e+03
8.52900000e+03 6.22900000e+03 3.55000000e+03 2.14300000e+03
1.19000000e+03 6.92000000e+02]
[ 1.49600000e+03 4.49200000e+03 8.77200000e+03 1.07610000e+04
9.76700000e+03 7.04900000e+03 4.23200000e+03 2.47200000e+03
1.41500000e+03 7.02000000e+02]
[ 2.31800000e+03 7.01500000e+03 1.28870000e+04 1.50840000e+04
1.35590000e+04 8.55600000e+03 4.15600000e+03 1.77100000e+03
6.57000000e+02 2.55000000e+02]
[ 1.57500000e+03 3.79300000e+03 5.20900000e+03 4.77800000e+03
3.26600000e+03 1.44700000e+03 5.31000000e+02 1.85000000e+02
9.30000000e+01 4.90000000e+01]
[ 7.01000000e+02 1.21600000e+03 1.17600000e+03 7.93000000e+02
4.79000000e+02 2.02000000e+02 8.80000000e+01 3.90000000e+01
2.30000000e+01 1.90000000e+01]
[ 2.93000000e+02 3.93000000e+02 2.90000000e+02 1.97000000e+02
1.18000000e+02 6.40000000e+01 4.10000000e+01 1.20000000e+01
1.10000000e+01 4.00000000e+00]]
Thanks very much!