
I have two Date Time Component in my Xpages and I need to compare two date before submit so that I have used an expression validation feature:

 <xp:inputText value="#{document1.FUP_creation}"
                    id="FUP_creation" required="true">
                            message="Date is required">
                    <xp:dateTimeHelper id="dateTimeHelper3">

                        <xp:convertDateTime type="date"

                <xp:inputText value="#{document1.FUP_expireDate}"
                id="FUP_expiredDate" required="true">
                        message="Date is required">
                        message="The expired date must be greater than creation date">

<xp:this.expression><![CDATA[#{javascript://_dump("creation date")
var exp_date:java.util.Date=this.getValue();
var fup_creation:java.util.Date=getComponent("FUP_creation").getValue();

if (exp_date.compareTo(fup_creation)>=0) return true
else return false}]]></xp:this.expression>

                        <xp:convertDateTime type="date"

The correct value is always getSubmittedValue()..but is return into java.lang.String mode and not java.util.Date.

Now can use java.text.SimpleDateFormat to convert into java.util.Date my submitted value...but this is a correct solution?


1 Answers


You can use the validator validateDateTimeRange and set minimum value to your creation date field:

    message="The expired date must be greater than creation date"

That is a nice short solution but it's only useful if both dates can be equal too.

The solution with validateExpression works this way:

    message="The expired date must be greater than creation date">
        var df:java.text.DateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        var fup_creation = df.format(getComponent('FUP_creation').getValue());
        var exp_date = this.getSubmittedValue();
        if(exp_date > fup_creation){ 
            return true;
            return false;}}]]>

this.getSubmittedValue() returns a String in format "yyyy-MM-dd". That allows us to compare it with a string of same format as the compare operations give the same result as comparing the dates in date format.

Make sure you have a <xp:messages or <xp:message tag on your page so that you can see the message.